Hey friends! 

It’s Week 21 — Welcome back to another issue of Creative Corner! 

We don’t know about you, but January has started with a bang here at Pilothouse. 🧨

To say thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to hang with us, we’re sharing some of our favorite Amazon A+ listings from 2023, courtesy of the Pilothouse Amazon team. We hope these tips will help you refresh everything you need to know for thriving A+ Content. 

So, off we go! 👇

What is Amazon A+ Content?

A+ Content (or EBC – Enhanced Brand Content) is your ticket to creating customized Product Detail Pages (PDP) on Amazon with the level of detail and branding a customer would see on a website. 

Amazon offers a range of modules for adding photos and copy about your products or brand. While some brands emphasize product details, others use A+ Content to delve into brand specifics for added customer value. 

For businesses that meet a list of Amazon requirements, Premium A+ is available. This offers brands a larger, enhanced version with more module options. 

Note that all the examples we’re showcasing today are instances of Premium A+.

A+ Selkirk


Time for your close-up! 📸

This A+ Content for Selkirk is all about showcasing the unique details of the product 👉 cue the close-ups! Since this product is new to the market, we aimed to tell a story that differentiated it from competitors by strategically highlighting its best/unique selling points. 

Highlighting the USPs, like texture, showcasing color variations, and including a model comparison chart, helps viewers better understand the product and feel supported in their purchase decision.

Additionally, including quotes from industry professionals adds social proof to the content and builds trust with the audience. 

While this A+ Content includes a ton of information, its layout breaks the critical points into bite-size chunks, for viewers to easily find the info they want.

A+ Four Sigmatic


This A+ Content for Four Sigmatic crushes in the layout department with this clean page that’s full of vital product information. 

By showcasing both key ingredients and versatile uses, the brand can broaden its appeal to a larger audience. 

Brands need to keep in mind that supplemental facts are essential, not only for Amazon images but also in A+ Content. Since shoppers commonly search for nutrition details, featuring them throughout your brand’s Amazon Content ensures they’re seen if ever the viewers missed it in one place.

Pilothouse Tip! 

For items with potentially off-putting ingredients like mushrooms, integrating visuals of appealing dishes, such as protein bar recipes, can alleviate taste concerns.

A+ Big Blanket

This A+ Content for Big Blanket provides viewers with everything they need to know about the beach blanket –  from top to bottom.

The page features a subtle "Sand" background, carrying the beach theme throughout the entire page.

This A+ Content makes it easy for viewers to visually grasp the benefits of the product by showcasing all color options and providing a clear comparison with regular beach towels. Icons highlight key features, making it an effortless read. A sprinkle of emojis also adds a touch of fun to the informative experience.